About us
The two project partners, The Swedish Textile Service Association (Sveriges Tvätteriförbund) and The Washing and Textiles Service Association of Denmark (Brancheforeningen for Vask og Tekstiludlejning), will also develop supplementary educational material connected to the Scandinavian quality control models that will help organisations and their workers achieve sustainable methods.
On March 29th, the first out of four physical project meetings took place in Malmö. Various stakeholders, such as members, communications experts and third party representatives that do the annual controls discussed how to proceed with the activities within the project.
An inspirational speech was given by Jan-Olov Kindvall, from the Swedish top football club Malmö FF, on how a leading football club works with inclusion and other key objectives.
Both The Swedish Textile Service Association as well as The Washing and Textiles Service Association of Denmark currently execute yearly quality controls of their members. These ensure members hold high professional, corporate and environmental standards.
Throughout this collaboration, both parties aim to exchange experiences and ideas – creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses ; Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ; Quality Assurance.
The project, which is co-funded by the European Union via Erasmus+ started the 1st of January 2023 and will proceed until the 31st of December 2024.
Contact us
If you want more information about the project or if you have a question , don’t hesitate to contact us.

Daniel Kärrholt
CEO, The Swedish Textile Service Association
- Email: daniel@tvatteriforbundet.se
- Phone: (+46) 705 11 36 85
- Website: Sveriges Tvätteriförbund

Lasse Rafiq Hangaard
Industry consultant, The Washing and Textile Services Association of Denmark
- Email: laha@di.dk
- Phone: (+45) 5218 5990
- Website: Danske Vaskerier