Control model
Material related to development of the control model will be presented on this webpage throughout the project period.
In Denmark and Sweden, all member organizations must undergo an authorization process annually as part of their membership in the national organizations BVT and the Swedish Textile Service Association. The authorization process guarantees serious members and good quality in their deliveries of textile services to their customers.
As a part of this project, a proposal for development of the authorization process through knowledge sharing between the countries is developed. The proposal should contribute to a future proofing of the industry based on increasingly stringent sustainability requirements.
Information of the current control models in Sweden and Denmark can be found here:
Contact us
If you want more information about the project or if you have a question , don’t hesitate to contact us.

Daniel Kärrholt
CEO, The Swedish Textile Service Association
- Email:
- Phone: (+46) 705 11 36 85
- Website: Sveriges Tvätteriförbund

Lasse Rafiq Hangaard
Industry consultant, The Washing and Textile Services Association of Denmark
- Email:
- Phone: (+45) 5218 5990
- Website: Danske Vaskerier