To disseminate the project result we have participated in industry exhibitions, published articles in relevant media, cooperated with the European Textile Services Association, held interactive multiplier meetings, we will present our results at Texcare in Frankfurt in November 2024, and more.
Here you can find different communication activities focussed on employees in the textile service industry, member companies and other stakeholders. Click a category below to filter the list.
The new Scandinavian Quality Control model – framgångsrikt Erasmus+- projekt avslutat
Tillsammans med våra danska kollegor Brancheforeningen for Vask og Tekstiludlejning (BVT) och speciellt då Lasse Rafiq Hangaard har vi drivit ett tvåårigt projekt med fokus på utbildning och utveckling av respektive lands auktoriseringskontroll.
Projektet erhöll ett resultat på 92 av 100 möjliga poäng i den slutliga bedömningen. Minimum för fullt godkännande var 60 poäng.
Då rapporten har fått minst 80 poäng kommer projektet att märkas som 'Good practice' i Erasmus+ Project Results Platform – en utmärkelse som tilldelas projekt som visar på särskilt hög kvalitet och relevans.
- Projektets resultat 92%
Ett projekt för inkludering och hållbarhet
Projektet har fokuserat på att utveckla och stödja framtidens auktoriseringskontroller och utbildningsmaterial för tvätt- textilservicelindustrin. Syftet har varit att främja professionell utveckling för branschens medarbetare med särskilt fokus på inkludering och hållbarhet. Det framtagna materialet är flexibelt och kan enkelt anpassas för olika aktörer inom branschen.
Internationell spridning vid Texcare Forum
En av höjdpunkterna under projektet var presentationen av resultaten vid Texcare Forum den 6 november i Frankfurt. Detta internationella evenemang samlar ledande aktörer inom branschen och vårt projekt fick en central plats som exempel på innovation och hållbarhet. Presentationen mottogs väl och bidrog till att sprida kunskap om vårt arbete till en bredare publik.

Bild: ETSA:s LinkedIn
Positiva effekter på internationell nivå
Genom omfattande spridningsaktiviteter, inklusive sociala medier och deltagande vid internationella mässor som Texcare Forum, medlemsmöten, skolpresentationer mm har projektets resultat nått en bred publik både inom och utanför Europa. Planer finns också för att vidareutveckla materialet i samarbete med andra EU-länder och anpassa det till nya regler och standarder.
En kvalitetsstämpel för framtiden
Projektet kännetecknas av en stark innovationsanda och ett tydligt fokus på hållbarhet, vilket även lyfts fram i slutrapportens bedömning. Ett särskilt omnämnande gjordes för projektets metodik, där balansen mellan fysiskt och digitalt arbete samt resor med tåg bidrog till ett miljövänligt genomförande.
Vi vill tacka alla medlemmar, samarbetspartners och övriga deltagare för deras engagemang och bidrag till detta framgångsrika projekt. Tillsammans har vi gjort ett bidrag för en mer hållbar och inkluderande framtid inom tvätt- och textliservicenäringen.
About The new Scandinavian Quality Control model
Sweden and Denmark, together with Norway, are unique in linking membership in the national industry association for textile service companies with quality controls. The aim is to guarantee seriousness and quality in the members’ service offering.
To further develop this process, Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (the Swedish Textile Services Association) and Brancheforeningen for Vask og Tekstiludlejning (The Washing and Textile Services Association of Denmark) commenced a project co-financed by Erasmus+ 2023-2024. The result of the project was presented at Texcare Forum November 6,
Among other things, the project includes a comparative analysis made between the authorization processes in the two countries.
Today’s quality controls
The quality control in Sweden is carried out annually through a digital form which is sent out to all members. The members need to answer around 100 different questions about e.g. hygiene and quality, environment, work environment, social sustainability, and financial control. The answers are then reviewed by an independent company, the environment specialist Ensucon, and supplemented with spot checks through on-site visits to a number of members each year. To stay a member, you need to pass the authorization control every year.
A prerequisite for remaining relevant as an industry association is constant development, not least based on an increasing sustainability focus within the textile industry in general. By developing a quality control in line with upcoming requirements based on the EU’s strategy for a circular and sustainable textile industry, the members in both Denmark and Sweden stay competitive and well prepared for the future.
Special areas of interest
The areas that have been identified in the project as relevant to take forward more clearly in the authorization process are above all measures for reduced amounts of textile waste and circular handling of textiles, control of environmental and social conditions along the entire value chain for the products used in laundries, as well as to facilitate dialogue with various stakeholders.
In the project, several concrete proposals for the development of a quality control have been worked out. This, to facilitate the advancement in above mentioned areas. The proposal will be used as a basis for the continuous progress of the quality control by the industry associations of both countries.
Educational material
Another central part of the project is the educational material aimed at professionals in the textile service industry. The material is based on the various parts of the quality control and aims to create a deeper understanding of why these issues are of great importance for the member companies.
The project is put in a context to create commitment and pride among all employees within our member companies. We are all agents of change.
The training material is available on a website dedicated to The new Scandinavian Quality Control model: https://scandinavianqualitycontrolmodel.com
The website is available in three languages: English, Swedish and Danish.
Themes and material available to everyone
The educational material is divided in several sections focussing on the following areas:
- Chemicals and water
- Circularity and waste
- Climate and energy
- Hygiene and quality
- Non discrimination, inclusion, and contribution to society
- The value chain
- Working environment
- The European Green Deal
The material should be easy to comprehend and is therefore designed in a short and concise manner, without complicated wording. Each section is followed by a voluntary test to see if the participants understood the information. The material will, in addition to the text on the website, also be available as audio, pdf and powerpoint. The material should be accessible for all, including those with fewer opportunities.
Updates are shared today, among other channels, via the associations’ website and social media, as well as via the European EPALE. EPALE also serves as a great source of information with an active community and educational workshops around inclusion and accessibility.
Daniel Karrholt
CEO Swedish Textile Service Association
Texcare 2024 is coming up
On November 6 – 9, the textile industry’s major event Texcare takes place in Frankfurt am Main. This year there are four top themes:
- Automation
- Energy and resources
- Circularity
- Textile hygiene
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet 32 members of The Swedish Textile Service Association at the exhibition. We will also join Texcare to present The new Scandinavian Quality Control model.
The lecture on The new Scandinavian Quality Control model »
Daniel Kärrholt, CEO, The Swedish Textile Service Association.
Supplier members at Texcare:
ABS Holding International: Hall 8, Stand C30
ABZ Zierler & Co: Hall 8, Stand A59
ACG Pulse: Hall 8, Stand E60 (Datamars)
Alumichem: Hall 8, Stand L76
Aquatherm International: Hall 8, Stand J64
Beirholms Vaeverier: Hall 8, Stand G40
BÜFA Cleaning: Hall 8, Stand J79
Chemische Fabrik Kreussler & Co.: Hall 8, Stand D42
Christeyns: Hall 8, Stand E50
CLMTexfinity: Hall 8, Stand G70
CBA Machines: Hall 8, Stand H22
Dibella: Hall 8, Stand E40
Ecolab Europe: Hall 8, Stand B30
Electrolux Professional: Hall 8, Stand J90
Floringo: Hall 8, Stand A91
Fristads: Hall 8, Stand L80
Herbert Kannegiesser: Hall 8, Stand D02
Industria Tessile Gastaldi: Hall 8, Stand C20
JENSEN-GROUP: Hall 8, Stand D90
Kentaur: Hall 8, Stand D50
Kreussler Textile Care: Hall 8, Stand D42
M+A Matting: Hall 8, Stand K72
MASA SPA – Industrie Tessili: Hall 8, Stand G91
Maxi-Press Elastomertechnik: Hall 8, Stand C62
Laundry Dashboard: Hall 8, Stand F42
NYBO Workwear: Hall 8, Stand G69
Parotex: Hall 8, Stand A82
Radomskie Tekstylia Przemyslowe: Hall 8, Stand B 91
SoCom Informationssysteme: Hall 8, Stand G61
Sveriges Tvätteriförbund: Hall 8, Stand A11 (ETSA)
Texfinity: Hall 8, Stand G70
Unica: Hall 8, Stand B89
Veit: Hall 8, Stand E62
WSP Systems: Hall 8, Stand F42
Press release: The fourth physical meeting for the project ”The new Scandinavian Quality Control model”
On August 15, a large group of members and the project group met for the fourth physical meeting for the project ”The new Scandinavian Quality Control model”.
The venue was Samhall’s plant i Malmö. Samhall is a state-owned company with the mission to create enriching jobs for people with disabilities. Samhall is also a member of Sveriges Tvätteriförbund.
Samhall is one member that has shown a very large interest in the project. The project’s priority is also to reach those with fewer possibilities, so all capabilities within Samhall with internal school etc just strengthen the interaction in these areas.
The participants were warmly greeted by Magnus Björkman, plant manager.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway stand uniquely in linking the membership in the national industry association for textile service companies with quality controls. The aim is to guarantee seriousness and quality in the members’ deliveries.
To further develop this process, Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (the Swedish Textile Services Association) and Brancheforeningen for Vask og Tekstiludlejning (The Washing and Textile Services Association of Denmark) are participating in a project co-financed by Erasmus+ from 2023 to 2024. The results of the project will be presented at Texcare in November.
The agenda for the day:
- Update on the Green Deal/other EU initiatives
- Special focus on Producer Responsibility (EPR) (background, what we know and what it can mean)
- Other updates about the project – where are we?
- Presentation at Texcare
- Reporting
- Input from the participants
- How can the material be used by the members?
- The different activities of the project was discussed in depth especially the authorization controls and the educational material.
- As well as a thorough review of the entire project, what went well, what could be improved
- Tour of the facility
- Lunch
- Conclusion and summary
- Project work
The project includes, among other things, a comparative analysis between the authorization processes in the two countries. Another central aspect of the project is the development of educational material aimed at professionals in the textile service industry. The analysis and recommendations for future authorization controls were presented at the meeting.
Educational material
The educational material, based on various aspects of quality control, aims to foster a deeper understanding of why these issues are crucial for everyone in the member companies. For instance, textile service professionals are likely to become more active in mending textiles and sorting used textiles for reuse and recycling. The material presents questions in a context that fosters greater commitment and pride among all employees within member companies.
The training material is available on a dedicated website for ”The new Scandinavian is Quality Control model” in English, Swedish, and Danish. It is divided into several sections focusing on:
- Chemicals and water
- Circularity and waste
- Climate and energy
- Hygiene and quality
- Non-discrimination, inclusion, and contribution to society
- The value chain
- Working environment
- The European Green Deal
The material is designed to be easy to comprehend, presented in a short and concise manner without complicated wording. Each section is followed by a voluntary test to assess participants’ understanding. Additionally, the material is available in audio, PDF, and PowerPoint formats to ensure accessibility for all.
Information and news about the project, including the educational material, will be communicated through various platforms and forums, including the associations’ website, social media channels, and the EPALE network, which also serves as a valuable source of information and hosts educational workshops on inclusion and accessibility.
For more information, please contact:
Lasse Rafiq Hangaard
Industry consultant, BVT
(+45) 5218 5990 (Mobile)
Danske Vaskerier – BVT
Daniel Kärrholt
CEO Sveriges Tvätteriförbund
(+46) 705 11 36 85
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Reference group meetings
The educational material of The new Scandinavian Quality Control model is the cornerstone of the project. By developing educational material related to the authorisation controls we hope to both raise the awareness among workers why different topics are important, as well as teaching them the skills they need to act as agents of change.
In April we concluded the reference group activity through two digital meetings with Danish and Swedish participants in the member companies. This was very rewarding and giving lots of input to improve the material.
Leading up to the reference group meetings were:
- The multiplier meeting on November 16.
- The dialogue with sustainability experts and educators in the member companies on an individual basis.
- The physical meeting no 3 March 1.
- The interaction with a first-year class at Solna Gymnasium on March 25, to get another generation’s view on the project.
To further improve the material, the dialogue will go on during the year. It will all be presented at Texcare in November.
Sveriges Tvätteriförbund exhibitors at the Sweden meeting
Dialogue with various stakeholders is important. On Friday and Saturday, we were exhibitors at the Sweden meeting in Stockholm and had the opportunity to meet 2000 moderate politicians to talk about our issues.
In the photos – Elisabeth Svantesson, Minister for Finance, Carl-Oskar Bohlin Minister for Civil Defence and Speaker of the Riksdag Andreas Norlén. Discussions centred on inclusion and education. People are very interested in learning more about The new Scandinavian Quality Control model.
Contact us
If you want more information about the project or if you have a question , don’t hesitate to contact us.

Daniel Kärrholt
CEO, The Swedish Textile Service Association
- Email: daniel@tvatteriforbundet.se
- Phone: (+46) 705 11 36 85
- Website: Sveriges Tvätteriförbund

Lasse Rafiq Hangaard
Industry consultant, The Washing and Textile Services Association of Denmark
- Email: laha@di.dk
- Phone: (+45) 5218 5990
- Website: Danske Vaskerier