
Reference group meetings

The educational material of The new Scandinavian Quality Control model is the cornerstone of the project. By developing educational material related to the authorisation controls we hope to both raise the awareness among workers why different topics are important, as well as teaching them the skills they need to act as agents of change.

In April we concluded the reference group activity through two digital meetings with Danish and Swedish participants in the member companies. This was very rewarding and giving lots of input to improve the material.

Leading up to the reference group meetings were:

  • The multiplier meeting on November 16.
  • The dialogue with sustainability experts and educators in the member companies on an individual basis.
  • The physical meeting no 3 March 1.
  • The interaction with a first-year class at Solna Gymnasium on March 25, to get another generation’s view on the project.

To further improve the material, the dialogue will go on during the year. It will all be presented at Texcare in November.


Third physical meeting for “The new Scandinavian Quality Control model”

Image: Kristina Hrbinic

On the first day of Spring, March 1, 2024, the third physical meeting for the project “The new Scandinavian Quality Control model” took place at Tvätteriförbundet´s office in Malmö. The host, Daniel Kärrholt, had the pleasure of welcoming a diverse group consisting of several members, invited inspirational speakers, the project group, and many others.

Sweden, Denmark, and Norway stand uniquely in linking membership in the national industry association for textile service companies with quality controls. The aim is to guarantee seriousness and quality in the members’ deliveries.

To further develop this process, Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (the Swedish Textile Services Association) and Brancheforeningen for Vask og Tekstiludlejning (The Washing and Textile Services Association of Denmark) are participating in a project co-financed by Erasmus+ from 2023 to 2024. The results of the project will be presented at Texcare in November.

External speakers

Two external speakers, Kristina Hrbinic, Europe Direct Manager, and Erik Ehn Blomgren, Senior Advisor to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden, delivered highly informative speeches about the possibilities within the European framework and how to assist in job matching between companies and job seekers.

Project work

The project includes, among other things, a comparative analysis between the authorization processes in the two countries. Another central aspect of the project is the development of educational material aimed at professionals in the textile service industry. The analysis and recommendations for future authorization controls were presented at the meeting.

Educational material

The educational material, based on various aspects of quality control, aims to foster a deeper understanding of why these issues are crucial for everyone in the member companies. For instance, textile service professionals are likely to become more active in mending textiles and sorting used textiles for reuse and recycling. The material presents questions in a context that fosters greater commitment and pride among all employees within member companies.

The training material will be available on a dedicated website for “The new Scandinavian Quality Control model” in English, Swedish, and Danish. It is divided into several sections focusing on:

  • Chemicals and water
  • Circularity and waste
  • Climate and energy
  • Hygiene and quality
  • Non-discrimination, inclusion, and contribution to society
  • The value chain
  • Working environment
  • The European Green Deal

The material is designed to be easy to comprehend, presented in a short and concise manner without complicated wording. Each section is followed by a voluntary test to assess participants’ understanding. Additionally, the material will be available in audio, PDF, and PowerPoint formats to ensure accessibility for all.

Information and news about the project, including the educational material, will be communicated through various platforms and forums, including the associations’ website, social media channels, and the EPALE network, which also serves as a valuable source of information and hosts educational workshops on inclusion and accessibility.

For more information, please contact

Lasse Bredvig Hangaard Industry consultant, BVT
(+45) 5218 5990 (Mobile)
Danske Vaskerier – BVT

Sveriges Tvätteriförbund
Daniel Kärrholt, CEO Sveriges Tvätteriförbund
(+46) 705 11 36 85

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Welcome to Texcare 2024

Together with our member Messe Frankfurt, it is a great pleasure to be able to invite you to the laundry and textile service market’s major event Texcare.


Tvätteriförbundet’s meeting place/Meeting point Tvätteriförbundet is Scandic Frankfurt Museumsufer which is located in the center of Frankfurt, in the Bahnhofsviertel district. From the central station, it is a five-minute walk to the hotel. You will find more information about the hotel here. As a member of the Swedish Textile Service Association, you get a discount when booking.

Scandic Frankfurt Museumsufer
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 44
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Book your accommodation with the Swedish Community >>

Get to and from the fair

You can take tram 16 or 17 from Baseler Platz, which is about 100 m from the hotel’s entrance and takes you to the Messe in about 10 minutes.

From the hotel you can also go to Frankfurt Central Station (5-10 min walk). There you take S-Bahn 4, 5 or 6 which in about 5-10 minutes takes you directly to the Torhaus, right by the Messe.

Activities at the fair

The program will be presented continuosly. Entrance tickets are offered free of charge for members of the Swedish Textile Service Association. There is also the opportunity to participate in a special welcome reception.

During the fair, the results of the new Scandinavian Quality Control model will be presented.


Download pdf in English >>

Download pdf in Swedish >>

The training material for the new Scandinavian Control Model is being developed

Now the work begins to produce the training material for The new Scandinavian Quality Control model.

An important part of the work is to make it accessible to everyone. Among other things, the training material is made in three languages: English, Danish, and Swedish. To find industry-specific words, there is, for example, this visual dictionary.

In the work to produce educational material and website, we look at, among other things Guidelines for Accessible Information,  TSA language guide, EY’s report The value of being yourselfWorknest’s guide Inclusive Language in the WorkplaceTRSA DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and Klarspråk.

We look forward to the continued work and to presenting at Texcare 2024 in Frankfurt.

Away from darkness and haze – Welcome, dear Autumn meeting

Surely there is something special about an Autumn meeting? The darkness and haze at this time of year feels like an eternity if it wasn’t for a happy break in the team of good friends and colleagues at Northern Europe’s biggest event – our Autumn meeting – reinforced this year by the Danish BVT. We had returned to Halland and the city of the three hearts, Halmstad.

It was also particularly rough on this day, November 16, when the clouds opened with rain mixed with snow.

Great to get into the warmth of Halmstad Plaza – a new large conference hotel – just a stone’s throw from Halmstad C. The conference area itself was inaugurated as late as the autumn. Chairman Michael Sandin could state that with 200 participants, 45 exhibitors, 140 at dinner, this was a record meeting. Among the participants were representatives from about ten EU countries reinforced by friends from Norway, the UK and the USA, Michael noted before handing over to our opening speaker Urszula Hansson, municipal councilor who warmly welcomed us to the city.

Seat on stage then for Cecilia Tall, program manager RE:SOURCE who told us about the current state of the planned producer responsibility and how we are moving forward. It was a suitable transition to the genuine multiplier event for our Erasmus+ project The new Scandinavian Quality Control model.


The project consists of six activities

  • Developing a Scandinavian Quality Control model
  • Production of educational material
  • Physical project meetings
  • Reference group meetings
  • Project management
  • Dissemination

At the meeting, Anna Bernstad gave an account of the future scouting that is done for input to the upcoming authorization checks with the focus areas

  • EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles
  • PFAS – The proposal for a ban and current situation
  • Development of the authorization process and training materials

Finally, during this event, Charlotta Duse showed the project’s website  which is available in three languages: English, Danish and Swedish.


Then a place on stage for Claus Nissen from NissenManagement and Beirholms Vaeverier with the title From a laundry advisor perspective: Exploit immediate potentials in the laundry industry. It was immediately noticeable that it was a sought-after hands-on lecture. Claus has a long professional career behind him, including at Berendsen, and he ended by giving concrete tips on what he would do if he were to start his own business. The starting point was that after all, 85% of the cost of textiles is from handling while 15% comes from purchasing – it’s about digging in the right place.

The last session before lunch went to Kenneth Sjökvist and Martin Andersson from EnRival. Kenneth immediately felt at home as a former washerman from the then Tvättman, Ekotvätt Bergmanngruppen and Milliken. EnRival is a local employment agency that helps match employers and job seekers.

After an hour of networking and visiting all the exhibitors in connection with the lunch, we got to meet Enjay and one of the founders Nils Lekeberg. One for N as in Nils and jay for J as in Jesper, the other founder. Enjay is behind Lepido, a Swedish-developed, extra durable “heavy-duty” heat exchanger. It makes it not only possible, but also profitable to recover energy from polluted exhaust air. Turning waste into watts. The Swedish way to recover excess heat. Rarely has a Swedish start-up been written about and appreciated as much as Enjay. If it’s not in Forbes or Dagens Industri, it’s in Sydsvenskan and other local media.

The day from the stage was concluded by Daniel Brämhagen, EY, and the headline Neurodiversity What happens when great minds don’t think alike?

Daniel emphasized the value of being able to be yourself and that we must take advantage of everyone’s skills and talents. In the end, it’s about growth and profit in addition to giving everyone an opportunity.

That was the end of the official program. The chairman thanked all speakers, participants and our event sponsors Beirholms Vaeverier, KrimProd with the elegant delicacy boards as speaker gifts and Kalle-Ville Lampi from Maxi-Press.

Tasty coffee and nutritious visits to the exhibitors before the evening ended with dinner in the Angelini restaurant and Blue Sky Bar, where the roof terrace offered a unique view of the city and the sea. Gone was darkness and haze. Here was the joy and warmth.